
Design porcess


  • Translation of clients’ requirements into a design brief Site evaluation, analysis and impact assessment
  • Environmental Design Criteria for a Green building
  • Computer Analysis for Thermal & Daylighting Design
  • Site planning and architectural design
  • Structural design and calculations
Design porcess


  • Site evaluation and assessment
  • Space planning and volumetric studies
  • Architectural additions and alterations
  • Design of fixed items of work, loose furniture and interior related civil works
  • Illumination design
Design porcess

Urban Design & Master Planning

  • Techno – Economic Feasibility Studies
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Development of Planning Goals and policy making
  • Community Planning Tools & Design Charettes
  • SWOT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis
Design porcess

Research and Design Development

  • Site survey and assessment
  • Detailed discussions with clients to identify and quantify requirements
  • Sustainable Design of Infrastructure, Services and transport
  • Research/ case studies
  • Collaborative approach to design development
Design porcess

Green Building Design & Rating Facilitation

  • Facilitation & Documentation for Green Rating including LEED, GRIHA & for ECBC Compliance
  • Coordination and construction management as per environmentally benign principles
  • Coordination with LEED / GRIHA / ECBC till work completion
Design porcess

Preparation of Cost Estimates & Tender/Contract Documents

  • Preparation of preliminary project estimates
  • Detailed cost estimates with bill of quantities
  • Tender documents/drawings and terms of contract
  • Detailed specifications
  • Scenario Building for Relative Cost Efficiency of Energy Conservation Measures
Design porcess

Working Drawing & Construction Documents

  • Detailed execution drawings of all building components
  • Detailed building plans, Elevations & Sections
  • Shop Drawings and coordination with vendors
Design porcess

Project Coordination with clients / Project Management Consultancy / Site Supervisors

  • Assistance in overall project planning and scheduling
  • Assistance in selection/short listing of contractors
  • Inviting tenders, preparation of comparative statements and assistance
  • In negotiating with bidders
  • Recommendations on Sustainable Site Management